
Minecraft Guide
The Minecraft wiki ( was the source for all of this
material. I wanted the info in a fixed width, 80 column, text only format,
but none of the recipe content itself is new or unique to this guide.
1 wood => 4 wood planks
2 wood planks => 4 sticks
1 coal over 1 stick => 4 torches
4 wood planks in a square => 1 crafting table
8 cobblestone in a square => 1 furnace
8 wood planks in a square => 1 chest
9 ingots/gems/dyes => 1 ore block
4 glowstone dust in a square => 1 glowstone
4 string in a square => 1 wool
5 gunpowder in an X and 4 sand => 1 TNT
3 planks/blocks/bricks in a row => 3 slabs
6 planks/blocks/bricks (top left 3 squares blank) => 4 stairs
4 snowballs in a square => 1 snow block
4 clay balls in a square => 1 clay block
6 wood planks and 3 books (in the middle row) => 1 bookshelf
4 sand blocks in a square => 1 sand block
1 pumpkin over 1 torch => 1 jack-o-lantern
(substitute cobblestone, ingots, or gems instead of planks for more durability)
3 planks (top left) over 2 sticks (bottom center) => 1 axe
3 planks (top center) over 2 sticks (bottom center) => 1 pickaxe
1 planks (top center) over 2 sticks (bottom center) => 1 shovel
2 planks (top left) over 2 sticks (bottom center) => 1 hoe
1 iron ingot (middle left) and 1 flint (bottom center) => fire
3 iron ingots (middle left and right and bottom center) => 1 bucket
4 iron ingots (in a plus) and 1 redstone dust (center) => 1 compass
8 paper (in a square) and 1 compass (center) => 1 map
4 gold ingots (in a plus) and 1 redstone dust (center) => 1 clock
3 sticks (/) and 2 string (bottom right) => 1 fishing rod
2 iron ingots (bottom left and center) => 1 shears
2 planks/stone/ingots/gems over 1 stick (center row) => 1 sword
3 sticks (<) and 3 string (right column) => 1 bow
1 flint over 1 stick over 1 feather => 1 arrow
(substitute ingots or gems instead of leather for more durability)
5 leather (middle row, bottom left and bottom right) => 1 helmet
8 leather (leave top center square blank) => 1 chestplate
7 leather (left and right columns, top center square) => 1 leggings
4 leather (bottom squares in left and right columns) => 1 boots
5 iron ingots (in a U shape on the bottom) => 1 minecart
1 furnace over 1 minecart => 1 powered minecart
1 chest over 1 minecart => 1 storage minecart
6 iron ingots (left and right) and 1 stick (mid center) => 16 rails
6 gold ingots, 1 stick over 1 redstone dust (bottom) => 6 powered rails
6 iron ingots, 1 pressure plate over 1 redstone dust => 6 detector rails
5 wood planks (in a U shape on the bottom) => 1 boat
6 planks or iron ingots (left and center columns) => 1 door
6 planks (middle and bottom rows) => 2 trapdoors
2 wood planks or stone blocks (side by side bottom) => 1 pressure plate
2 stone blocks (middle and bottom rows, centered) => 1 stone button
1 redstone dust over 1 stick => 1 redstone torch
1 stick over 1 cobblestone => 1 lever
8 wood planks with 1 redstone (in the middle) => 1 note block
8 wood planks with 1 diamond (in the middle) => 1 jukebox
7 cobblestone (upside down U), 1 bow over 1 redstone dust => 1 dispenser
2 redstone torches flanking 1 redstone dust over 3 stones => 1 repeater
3 planks, 4 stones flanking 1 iron ingot over 1 red dust => 1 piston
1 slimeball over 1 piston => 1 sticky piston
3 wood planks (V, starting from the bottom) => 4 bowls
1 red mushroom over 1 brown mushroom over 1 bowl => 1 mushroom stew
3 wheat (along the bottom row) => 1 bread loaf
1 sugar cane stalk => 1 sugar
3 milk over 1 egg between 2 sugar over 3 wheat => 1 cake
2 wheat around 1 set of cocoa beans on the bottom row => 8 cookies
8 gold nuggets with 1 red apple in the center => 1 golden apple
9 melon slices => 1 melon block
1 melon slice (bottom center) => 1 melon seeds
1 pumpkin (middle center) => 4 pumpkin seeds
1 iron/gold/diamond/lapis lazuli block => 9 ingots/gems
8 sticks with 1 wool (in the center) => 1 painting
6 planks (top two rows) over 1 stick (bottom center) => 1 sign
7 sticks (H shape) => 2 ladders
6 glass blocks (bottom two rows) => 16 glass panes
6 iron ingots (bottom two rows) => 16 iron bars
3 sugar cane (bottom row) => 3 paper
3 paper (center column) => 1 book
6 sticks (bottom two rows) => 6 fences
4 sticks around 2 planks (bottom two rows) => 1 fence gate
3 wool over 3 planks (bottom two rows) => 1 bed
9 gold nuggets => 1 gold ingot
1 ender pearl over 1 blaze powder => 1 Eye of Ender
1 bone => 3 bone meal
1 ink sac and 1 bone meal => 1 gray dye
1 gray dye and 1 bone meal => 2 light gray dye
1 rose => 2 rose red
1 dandelion => 2 dandelion yellow
1 rose red and 1 dandelion yellow => 2 orange dye
1 cactus green and 1 bone meal => 2 lime dye
1 lapis lazuli dye and 1 bone meal => 1 light blue dye
1 lapis lazuli dye and 1 cactus green => 2 cyan dye
1 lapis lazuli dye and 1 rose red => 2 purple dye
1 rose red and 1 bonemeal => 2 pink dye
1 pink dye and 1 purple dye => 2 magenta dye
1 lapis lazuli dye, 1 rose red, 1 pink dye => 3 magenta dye
1 wool and 1 light gray dye => 1 light gray wool
1 wool and 1 gray dye => 1 gray wool
1 wool and 1 ink sac => 1 black wool
1 wool and 1 rose red => 1 red wool
1 wool and 1 orange dye => 1 orange wool
1 wool and 1 dandelion yellow => 1 yellow wool
1 wool and 1 lime dye => 1 lime wool
1 wool and 1 cactus green => 1 green wool
1 wool and 1 light blue dye => 1 light blue wool
1 wool and 1 cyan dye => 1 cyan wool
1 wool and 1 lapis lazuli dye => 1 blue wool
1 wool and 1 purple dye => 1 purple wool
1 wool and 1 magenta dye => 1 mangenta wool
1 wool and 1 pink dye => 1 pink wool
1 wool and 1 cocoa beans => 1 brown wool
enchantment and brewing
3 glass blocks (V shape, starting at the bottom row) => 3 bottles
7 iron ingots (U shape) => 1 cauldron
1 blaze rod (center middle) over 3 cobblestone => 1 brewing stand
1 blaze rod (center middle) => 2 blaze powder
1 slimeball (center middle) over 1 blaze powder => 1 magma cream
1 spider eye over 1 brown mushroom over 1 sugar => 1 ferm spider eye
1 melon slice (left middle) left of 1 gold nugget => 1 glistening melon
1 gold ingot => 9 gold nuggets
1 book (top center) over 2 diamonds around 4 obsidian => 1 enchantment table
raw porkchop => cooked porkchop
raw beef => steak
raw chicken => cooked chicken
raw fish => cooked fish
iron ore => iron ingot
gold ore => gold ingot
diamond ore => diamond
lapis lazuli ore => lapis lazuli
sand => glass
cobblestone => stone
clay => brick
wood => charcoal
cactus => cactus green
ingredient => potion type
nether wart => awkward
redstone dust => mundane (extended)
ghast tear => mundane
glistening melon => mundane
blaze powder => mundane
magma cream => mundane
sugar => mundane
spider eye => mundane
glowstone dust => thick
fermented spider eye => weakness
secondary -- positive
glistening melon + awkward potion => healing
magma cream + awkward potion => fire resistance
ghast tear + awkward potion => regeneration
blaze powder + awkward potion => strength
sugar + awkward potion => swiftness
secondary -- negative
spider eye + awkward potion => poison
fermented spider eye + awkward/thick/mundane potion => weakness
fermented spider eye + mundane potion => weakness (ext.)
tertiary -- positive
redstone dust + potion of fire resistance => fire res. (ext.)
glowstone dust + potion of healing => healing II
redstone dust + potion of regeneration => regen. (ext.)
glowstone dust + potion of regeneration => regeneration II
redstone dust + potion of strength => strength (ext.)
glowstone dust + potion of strength => strength II
redstone dust + potion of swiftness => swiftness (ext.)
glowstone dust + potion of swiftness => swiftness II
tertiary -- negative
fermented spider eye + potion of healing => harming
fermented spider eye + potion of poison => harming
fermented spider eye + potion of healing II => harming II
fermented spider eye + potion of poison II => harming II
glowstone dust + potion of harming => harming II
redstone dust + potion of poison => poison (extended)
glowstone dust + potion of poison => poison II
fermented spider eye + potion of fire resistance => slowness
fermented spider eye + potion of swiftness => slowness
redstone dust + potion of slowness => slowness (ext.)
fermented spider eye + potion of fire resistance (ext.) => slowness (ext.)
fermented spider eye + potion of swiftness (ext.) => slowness (ext.)
fermented spider eye + potion of strength => weakness
fermented spider eye + potion of regeneration => weakness
fermented spider eye + potion of strength (extended) => weakness (ext.)
fermented spider eye + potion of regeneration (ext.) => weakness (ext.)
redstone dust + potion of weakness => weakness (ext.)
glowstone dust + potion of fire resistance (extended) => fire res. (rev.)
glowstone dust + potion of slowness (extended) => slowness (rev.)
glowstone dust + potion of weakness (extended) => weakness (rev.)
redstone dust + potion of healing II => healing (rev.)
redstone dust + potion of harming II => harming (rev.)
fermented spider eye + potion of healing (reverted) => harming (rev.)
fermented spider eye + potion of poison (extended) => harming (rev.)
fermented spider eye + potion of fire res. (reverted) => slowness (rev.)
fermented spider eye + potion of swiftness II => slowness (rev.)
fermented spider eye + potion of strength II => weakness (rev.)
fermented spider eye + potion of regeneration II => weakness (rev.)

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